The Hithe Monsters

This series of posters is designed for The Hithe in Rotherhithe, an innovative project run by Mean While Spaces. Each poster incorporates augmented reality (AR) technology to create an interactive and immersive experience, bringing the artwork to life and engaging the community in a unique way.

Concept: Inspired by the visual elements of Rotherhithe, these posters feature imaginative and playful monsters that capture the essence of the area's history, architecture, and natural surroundings. The monsters are designed to be whimsical and inviting, aiming to spark curiosity and creativity in children.

Objective: The primary goal of this project is to encourage kids to connect with their community and explore the rich cultural and environmental tapestry of Rotherhithe. By integrating AR, the posters offer an interactive experience that bridges the physical and digital worlds, making the process of community engagement fun and educational.